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Sunday, December 22, 2002

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Sharman Speaks

DNA Upgrades - Making the New You

DNA Upgrades - Making the New You

Healing Energies

Healing Energies



Agate: The "Firestone", so called because it builds fire in the loins, bringing a sense of courage and fortitude, helping you to discover truth and accept fate while strengthening the body and mind. Earthing and energetic, it is a powerful healing stone assisting the colon, circulatory and lymphatic system.

Amazonite: The "Thinker". This feldspar mineral soothes the nervous system, while giving strength to the heart and the body. Balances the mental and auric body. Makes you feel good, uplifted, creative and gives perspective to your more harmful traits and helps you let go of them.

Amber: The "Mindful One", so called because it not only remembers the past centuries, but also helps with simple absent mindedness. This is the fossilised resin of ancient trees. Has a good influence on the endocrine system, spleen and heart. Helps you find the kindness within you. Helps the mind to find the soul.

Amethyst: The "Elevator". Strengthens the endocrinal and immune systems while having a good effect on the right brain activity, pineal & pituitary glands. Exceptional blood cleaner and energiser. Very powerful aid to spiritual enhancement by bringing the lower natures to a higher consciousness. Cuts through illusion and is a helpful friend for mediators, inspiring healing, divine love, inspiration and intuition.

Angelite: Enhances telepathic communication. Assists in spiritual journeys & astral travel. Dispels anger. Has been used in the treatment of inflammations & afflictions of the throat. An excellent stone for promotion of both astrological & mathematical understanding & comprehension.

Apache Tears: Obsidian pebbles. Represents tears of grief shed by Native American women after their loved ones' deaths For looking within, protection, vision quest/purpose. Gently grounds and unblocks lower body and endocrine glands. Aids healing. Opens past lives. Reveals negative karma. Protection. Eliminates toxins. Reduces fear. Alleviates muscle spasms. Support, repels negativity, aids in time of grief. Ease and releases pain, loss, sadness, anger, etc. to help heal and go on with life. Transforms and aids in the release of lower emotions. Good for scrying. Extremely potent and protective.

Apatite: Reduces hunger. Blue and purple crystals have a healing affinity with & are used especially to heal and stimulate throat chakra and kidney point for self-expression, teaching, healing mouth, throat, thyroid, high blood pressure, stuttering, etc. High calcium content strengthens bones, muscles & assists mineral assimilation. Strengthens muscle tissue, aids in co-ordinating basic motor responses. Assists people suffering from stuttering and used in the treatment of hypertension.

Apophyllite: Allows one to recognise & act upon the truth in all situations. Enhances mindful analysis. Facilitates astral travel, providing a clear & definite connection to the physical body during the travel. Can be used to assist & stimulate intuitive vision. Assists in perception of personal behaviour/attitude, encouraging the seeker to recognise & to correct deficiencies. A useful tool for meditation. Apophyllite Pyramids: In addition to the above qualities, natural pyramids aid the stimulation & enhancement of intuitive vision (position base of pyramid over 3rd eye). As an elixir can bring ?light? & energy to the body, & love to the heart.

Aqua aura: This is quartz crystal which has been enhanced with pure gold. The molecules of pure gold adhere to the quartz & are not removed by rubbing or scraping. In addition to the properties of gold & quartz, this potent combination produces a very intense energy. Cleanses & smooths the aura, activates all chakras & helps release negativity from emotional, physical, intellectual & spiritual bodies. Can also be used to stimulate the throat chakra & to encourage ?opening to channel?.

Aquamarine: The "Serene" one, it helps to calm the nerves and reduces fluid retention. Good for strengthening kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid and cleaning the body of toxins. Gives clarity of mind, aiding personal creativity, thus losing fears and phobias. A good physical, mental and emotional balancer. It is a good friend in meditation, inspiring love, peace and serenity.

Aragonite: Deep, peaceful meditation; uplifts emotions. Gives patience under stress, helps us navigate business/personal challenges with a clear head and steady hand. Giving and receiving easily. Balances yin-yang energies. Opens spiritual/brow chakra for day-to-day living with an open heart and mind. Centering self during stress and anger. Problem solving, patience and will power. Stimulates communication with higher planes.

Aventurine Green: The "Deliverer", stimulates muscle tissue while strengthening the blood. This is very much a brain stone, purifying mental, emotional and etheric bodies. Its real strength is in losing anxiety and fears by digging at the foundations of their causes. Centres you while inspiring independence, well being and health.

Azurite: The "Decision maker". This blue stone assists the flow of energy through the nervous system, helping the body utilise its oxygen and strengthening the blood. A powerful aid to meditation, it cuts through illusion and enhances dormant abilities allowing greater mental control and ease of decision making. Inspires creativity, intuition and bodily well-being.

Azurite & Malachite: In addition to the individual properties this combination also instills individuality whilst dispelling conceit, arrogance & vanity ? this is done without conscious effort by the user. Can be used in the prevention & treatment of ulcers, asthma & other problems arising from stress. Adeep meditation tool.

Bloodstone: As its name suggests, this variety of Chalcedony is good for the blood. By toughening and oxygenating the bloodstream it enhances physical and mental vitality. The heart, spleen, bone marrow and iron deficiencies are all assisted. This powerful stone reduces stress, centring you and inspiring intuition, creativity and spiritual solidarity.

Bornite: The "Stone of Happiness", brings the ability to see and accept the joy in any moment. Powerful healer ? can normalise over acidity or over alkalinity depending on placement. Protects against negativity & assists in recognising source of same. Emits a circular energy ? dissipates negative energy & replaces it with positive. Clears subconscious blocks. Calming.

Calcite: The "Balancer". A variably coloured stone, it benefits the kidneys, pancreas and spleen. Alleviating fear and stress, it has the ability to balance the male/female polarities as well as the emotions by helping you to ground excessive enthusiasms. Inspires joy, lightness of being and some claims indicate an improvement in astral projection.

Carnelian: The "Friendly One", is a highly evolved healer, aiding kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, aids tissue regeneration while vitalising the blood. Energises the physical, emotional and mental self. A good Balancer, it connects you with your inner self, giving good concentration. Opens your heart bringing joy, sociability and warmth. This stone is the carrier of the orange ray.

Celestite/Celestine: This "Stone of Heaven" reduces stress by giving relaxation and peace of mind. It brings this calmness & harmony by dismissing worries & balancing the yin ? yang energies. Also accelerates spiritual growth by helping you to expand your creative expression, adjusting and knowing your higher self and other forms of divine awareness. Excellent for dream recall. Healing affinity with the eyes, ears & stomach. A useful tool for meditation.

Chrysocolla: This is the "Woman's Friend". Strengthens feminine qualities in both genders. Generally aids in the prevention of ulcers, digestive problems, arthritic conditions, toughens lungs and the thyroid glands, enhancing the metabolism. Alleviates guilt, tensions and phobias while inspiring creativity, personal power, joy and serenity. Excellent for period pains, pre-menstrual tension and other related problems.

Chrysoprase: A very subtle quartz, this "Joy Stone", helps ease sexual frustrations and depressions by balancing neurotic patterns and by enhancing personal insight. A very inward looking stone it also helps with calming, balancing and inner mental healing while underlining light-heartedness, joy and your inner talents.

Citrine: The "Cuddle Quartz" is good for kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, heart & tissue regeneration. One of the few minerals that never needs cleansing as it retains no negative energy. Prevents self-destructive tendencies by assisting in raising your self-esteem, introducing you to yourself and generally being nice to you, giving cheer, light-heartedness, hope, warmth and energy. Promotes circulation of the blood.

Copper: Well known & readily accepted as an aid in the treatment of rheumatism & arthritis, copper also helps combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness & excitability. Stabilises the energies of intuition, sexuality & vitality. Can be used to cleanse wounds & fight bacterial infection.

Diamond: ?The king of the crystals?. Enhances the power of other minerals. In ancient times it was given to insure love & harmony & to dispel anger. Inspires creativity, imagination, ingenuity & inventiveness. Can be used to activate the crown chakra. Clarifies & stimulates sight. It can instill the aspect of trust to relationships & bring fidelity to interpersonal relationships.

Emerald: The "Unconditional Love" stone is a deep green beryl stone of great power. Strengthens the heart, liver, kidneys, immune system and vitalises and tones the body and mind. This friend to the seeker assists in deeper spiritual insight, introduces the higher self to the divinity within. Inspiring love, prosperity, kindness, tranquillity, balance, patience and the power to heal. Emerald is the carrier of the green ray.

Fluorite: The "Gatherer" is a variable coloured stone. A powerful healer, it gathers and absorbs vital nutrients, strengthens the teeth and bones and is beneficial for blood vessels and spleen. Calms the over-excitable by bringing greater concentration in meditation where it will help you grasp and communicate with the higher and more abstract concepts of the inner self. Helps one get out of ruts.

Garnet: The "Day Dreamer" stone regenerates body systems, where it is also a good purifier. It is also strongly associated with the balancing of the sex drive and emotional disharmony, bringing love, compassion and an enhanced imagination.

Gold: Has been called the master healer. An excellent mineral for purification of the physical body. Can clear negativity from the chakras & the energy fields of the physical, emotional, intellectual & spiritual bodies. Combats feelings of depression & inferiority. Calms excitaion & states of anger.

Graphite: The ?stone of personal freedom?, assists in ?taking charge? of your life. A good electrical conductor, can enhance the energy transfer during healing. Improves writing abilities & mathematical astuteness. Discourages hostility, relieves anger & assists conversational skills. Has also been used to access automatic writing.

Hematite: This is a stone you either like or don't. To those it likes it will bring about beneficial oxygenation of the blood stream an energised spleen and will generally strengthen the body, helping you cope with stress. It is a very optimistic inspirer of will, courage and personal magnetism. Helps keep your head out of the clouds.

Herkimer Diamond: This "Harvester", so called because of its ability to draw out toxins. It has similar qualities to clear quartz. A powerful amplifier if used by healers, it assists in the reduction of stress and the balancing of energies of the body and mind. Enhances inner vision and increases awareness of dreams.

Howlite: A simple and gentle stone. Aids and deepens sleep. Helps one to access and bring back wisdom from the dream state. Calms and soothes the emotions; reducing anxiety, stress, tension. Assists in loosening/dispersing muscular tension. Excellent for bones (because of strong calcium content/vibration). Enhances brain and nervous system functions, contributes to positive emotional expression. Chakras: gently influences all chakras.

Iolite: Opens a light pathway from throat chakra up through crown. Brings truth, simplicity, imagery & peace. Living at higher awareness level. Aids with alcohol/addiction detoxification thus assisting sobriety. A newer stone recently more available.

Jade: The "Virtuous One", its subtle and smooth vibration strengthens the heart, kidneys, immune system, cleans the blood and increases longevity and fertility. Aiding eye disorders, this stone is believed to be an emotional balancer, with particular strength in feminine problems. Radiating divine unconditional love, it fosters courage, justice, clarity, modesty, wisdom and nurturing.

Jasper: The "Talisman", so called because healers have traditionally used it for enhanced diagnosis. A powerful healer in itself, having an affinity with the liver, gallbladder and bladder, it is also a multi-purpose salve to the whole body. Gives a sense of balance to the spirit and grounds you physically and emotionally.

Kunzite: If you suffer from any kind of addiction (drugs, alcohol, smoking, chocolate, etc), then make friends with this lithium bearer. It is an excellent balancer for physical, emotional and mental compulsives. Strengthens the cardiovascular system and eases depression by opening up your heart and surrendering to your higher self, thus enhancing self-esteem, tolerance and acceptance by its soothing and calming presence.

Kyanite: The "Faithful One". Called "faithful" because of its encouragement to devotion, truth, loyalty, reliability, serenity and pragmatism. One of the few minerals that never needs cleansing as it retains no negative energy. Dispels anger & frustration. Promotes perseverance. Assists meditation with its calming & clearing properties. Aligns all charkas automatically & immediately with no conscious effort required by the user. Dispels energy blockages. Balances the yin-yang energies. Aids dream recall.

Labradorite: A mystical stone revealing shimmering iridescent colours. Has the ability to help one re-activate ancient/future memories that are relevant to one?s present growth. Helps one transcend the sense of separateness; dissolving personal boundaries and aligning with the One/Divine Source. Accelerates telepathic abilities. Assists communication with Higher Self and spirit guides. Deepens meditation and helps one clear their connection to intuition, discernment, inspiration, imagination. Helps balance/stabilize the movement of the sexual/life-force (kundalini). Beneficially influences nerves, brain, pineal and pituitary glands, bones, lymphatic system, liver. Chakras: crown, brow, heart, throat.

Lapis Lazuli: The beautiful star-flecked blue of the "Night Stone" is good for the nocturnal. While strengthening the thyroid and skeletal system it brings vitality and general relaxation to the mind and body. A powerful augmenter of psychic abilities and communication with the higher self, inspiring greater creative expression and illumination.

Lepidolite: Like Kunzite, this is the "Addict's Friend" (this means any addiction ? drugs, smoking, alcohol, chocolate, etc). Its high lithium content is an excellent balancer, allowing a gentle withdrawal from compulsive behaviour. Aids the strengthening of the muscles of the heart and the blood flow, while giving expression to your innate inner light and joy.

Malachite: The green stripes are a clear indication of this mineral's healing power. Aids the functions of the pancreas and spleen, tissue regeneration, circulatory system and assists in a good night's sleep. An excellent balancer, emotionally and physically. Nurtures visualisation.

Moonstone: ike Chrysocolla, this is a very feminine stone, bringing ease to period pains and kindred disorders, but on a much more fruitful scale with its emphasis on fertility and child bearing. A good emotional balancer, it has been described as the "Mother Earth" stone. A good, solid friend inspiring flexibility, nurturing and wisdom while keeping the emotions in balance.

Moldavite: This green mineral is a meteorite. Balances body & mind. A gentle aid to meditation. Aligns with your inner self. A powerful healer, it is also a general tonic for both body & mind.

Obsidian(Black): "Black Velvet", its subtle male energies attract the spiritual adventures. Good for "girding the loins" by beneficially influencing the stomach, intestines & colon. It keeps energy well grounded, clears subconscious blocks and brings an experience and understanding of silence, detachment, wisdom and love. A powerful healer for those it recognises. Not to be used unconsciously. Chakra: root.

Obsidian(Snowflake): Similar properties as black obsidian but less intense; a lighter approach to exploring one's inner depths. The black and while colour communicates the balance and true oneness of polarities (male/female, spirit/matter, dark/light, positive/negative). When we accept and integrate the polarities that exist within ourselves and in life we are able to walk in balance (the "middle path") without judgement and without fragmenting our consciousness, living fully as a whole being. Chakra: root.

Opal: The "Rainbow Stone", its iridescent flashes stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands. It aids balance, eyesight and enhances intuition but its principal benefit is to induce in you a conscious connection with your higher self inspiring self-esteem and contentment.

Peridot: The ?Let?s go? stone. A good antitoxin gem, cleaning most organs & glands. A good overall tonic for the body & mind. It reduces stress, accelerates personal growth, stimulates the mind & opens new doors of opportunity & abundance while banishing lethargy & laziness.

Platinum: Can be used to balance the centers & meridians of the physical body. Stabilises the body & facilitates the maintenance of optimum health. Stimulates self-approval. Has been used to stimulate the pineal gland, thus enhancing intuition & psychic abilities. Healing affinity with the eyes. Also assists in the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

Pumice: Helps to combat abrasive character traits & alleviate negative attitudes. This ?floating? rock helps you to cope with problems by stopping you ?sinking? into despair. Nedds regular cleansing as it readily absorbs negativity. Can be used as an elixir to stimulate regeneration of the skin.

Pyrite: This one gives off "Sparks" in more ways than one. Apart from aiding digestion and improving the circulation, it influences a more positive outlook on life, giving mental and emotional enhancement while strengthening the will. It also inspires leadership, helping you to work harmoniously and practically with desperate people.

Quartz (Clear): The "All Singing, All Dancing" crystal. Good for the brain. Good for the soul. A very powerful dispeller of negativity in your own energy field and in the enviroment. Receives, activates, contains, amplifies, and transmits energy. A good thought provoker and a friend to meditation, inspiring communication with the higher self. Used as a tool for therapy, it is an excellent channeller of healing.

Quartz (Rose): The "Love Stone" strokes the heart into forgiveness and compassion by helping you to let go of stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy. Brings calm & clarity to the emotions - calms a hot temper. It is an excellent energy for healing emotional ?wounds?. Aids spleen, kidneys and circulatory system. Eases sexual and emotional imbalances, but be careful because it increases fertility. Learn to love yourself with this lovely stone.

Quartz (Rutilated): A very powerful healer, it cuts through a lot of mental and spiritual blockages. Enhances the life force, stimulates mental activity and eases depression, transmuting negativity and enhancing communication to the higher self.

Quartz (Smoky): The "Dream Stone", is effective in releasing old, calcified or fermenting negativity like grief, anger and despair by removing depression. It is mildly sedative and relaxing and a good balancer of sexual energy. An able tool for meditation, it helps you to explore your inner self by penetrating the darker areas with light and love. Enhances dreams and channelling abilities.

Rhodochrosite: The "Brave Stone". Its red-pink colour helps to blend courage, passion and will power, giving the fortitude to overcome emotional trauma and mental breakdown. Aids the spleen, kidneys, heart and blood circulation while enhancing memory and intellectual strength. Helps you to accept and find courage within yourself and helps you to cope with the stress of modern living.

Rhodonite: The complimentary stone to Rhodochrosite but dealing on a much more cerebral level by improving memory, calming the mind and reducing stress by giving confidence and self-esteem. Like its sister it helps you to understand and balance the pressures of modern living.

Ruby: The "Servant of the Servants". Traditionally this lovely red stone is used to preserve the body and improve mental health. It is an emblem of affection, passion, power and majesty. Removing obstacles and promoting tranquillity, strengthening immunity and a superb tonic to the body and spirit. Very much a "Heart Stone", it encourages integrity, selfless service and spiritual devotion. Carrier of the Red ray.

Sapphire: The "Loyalty Stone", helps the heart and the stomach while stimulating the pituitary glands, thus helping the entire glandular system. Activates psychic abilities, aiding a strong connection with the higher self by balancing emotional influences giving clarity and inspiration, enhancing will power and faith in judgement.

Selenite: Provides for clarity of mind. Expands self-awareness. Assists in pursuits related to business. Promotes flexibility & gives strength to decision making. Has been used to align the spine by application. Used to access past & future lives (simply rub with finger or thumb). Counteracts disorders caused by ?poisoning? from dental fillings. Can overcome damage caused by ?free radicals?. NOTE ? water soluble, cleansing with water not advised.

Sodalite: Clarity and truth are brought by the alleviation of fear. Calms and clears the mind. By strengthening the metabolism and lymphatic system it balances the mind and the body, enhancing communication and insight. Like Lapis, the higher self benefits, enabling creative expression to flower. Use it by computers to help reduce the damage from EMF(electro-magnetic fields).

Sugalite: The "Heart Stone" gives strength to aid physical healing and purification of all body systems, enhancing the pituitary, pineal and adrenal gland functions. A good brain balancer, it enhances the personal will, giving you the "heart" to deal with the difficulties of life. With bravery and fortitude it has a strong protective influence.

Sunstone: Encourages independence & originality. Dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress & increases vitality. Helps sore throats. Reduces stomach tension & ulcers. Warms the heart and lifts/rejuvenates the spirit.

Tiger Eye: This popular quartz is beneficial to the entire digestive system and like Sugalite inspires you to be brave, but also helps to soften the "bloody mindedness" the over-brave can suffer. A very grounding and balancing friend to the user, giving clearer perception and insight. Brings awareness of personal needs & the needs of others.

Topaz: The "Abundant One" is the antidote to the 20th century, this lovely stone detoxifies the body, warms, awakes, inspires an abundance of health by giving powerful assistance to tissue regeneration and strengthening almost every organ and gland. Soothing, peaceful, tranquillising, gives a creativity and self-expression that will co-operate with your higher self.

Tourmaline: The "Aquarian" is believed to be the stone for those who wish to be connected to "New Age" consciousness. In its many colours it offers a strong protective influence, enhancing sensitivity and comprehension by dispelling fear and negativity. A powerful healer of mental disorders it assists the troubled to find rest. Strengthens the will to be able to meet with changes and new challenges.

Turquoise: The "Ecologically Friendly" stone. This profound master healer helps in the absorption of all nutrients, strengthening the entire anatomy, aiding tissue regeneration. A powerful protector against all environmental pollutants, in particular background radiation. Enhances creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship and loyalty.

Ulexite: Brings clarity. Stimulates the imagination, enhancing creativity in business. Can be used for treating disorders of the eyes. Enhances perception. Stimulates the third eye & assists in the interpretation of dreams. NOTE ? water soluble, cleansing with water not advised.

Unakite: Helps balance the emotional body. Assists in dealing with blockages in the meridians & energy centers. Can aid in identifying the underlying cause of physical symptoms of dis-ease. Healing affinity with the reproductive organs.

Variscite: The "Generator" is believed to affect DNA in stimulating positive growth within your unborn children by enriching existing life forms for generations to come. Calming, soothing, it balances body-mind, giving emotional stability and self-confidence.

Zircon: The "Prudent One". This many coloured stone calms the emotions, providing protection against insomnia and depression. It makes one more pleasant and wise by fortifying the mind, raising self-esteem by balancing the pituitary and pineal glands, giving personality more symmetry, helping you to manifest your higher self.

Zoisite: Healing affinity with heart, lungs & pancreas. Decomposes negativity & transforms the energy into positivity. Helps dispel laziness.

Zoisite & Ruby: This magical combination has the individual properties of zoisite & ruby plus: can create altered states of consciousness. Helps to reach & utilise talents & abilities of the mind. Stimulates & amplifies all psychic abilities. Amplifies the bodies entire energy field. Used by healers for diagnostic healing.

Wanderers and Starseeds New Age Spiritual Community

Wanderers and Starseeds New Age Spiritual Community

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Sunday, November 24, 2002

WhiteGold Web TheWork in Progress

WhiteGold Web TheWork in Progress
A substance called white powered gold is being used to heighten awareness. This white powder has been tested in various labs in the US and Canada. It is a unique white powder that comes directly from gold. Miners call it 'ghost gold'. Some call it the lost Philosopher's Stone.

Make from male and female a circle, then a square,
afterwards a triangle, from which makeanother circle,
and thou shalt have the Philosophers' Stone.

David Hudson is a fourth generation Arizona farmer who became interested in extracting gold and silver from the tailings of old mining sites near his 675 acre farm. When he began the recovery process he soon discovered that gold and silver were being lost because of the buildup of a powdery substance referred to as "ghost gold" by many miners and metallurgists.

Hudson's curiosity led him to work with spectroscopists at Cornell University and other labs to discover the elemental ingredients of this powder. Initial findings of the sample yielded iron, silica, and aluminum. Further extraction of these elements left 98% of the powder intact. The surprise was that this 98% consisted of nothing which could be identified through normal spectroscopic analysis.

As a result of Hudson's research, he knew that the electrons flowing through a superconductor pair off and are converted to a light frequency in the process. He theorized that this might be the same process occuring in human cells. Hudson discovered papers published by Bristol-Myers-Squibb Laboratories and others which indicated intense experimentation was being done utilizing precious elements in the treatment of cancer. These elements were shown to interact with the cell by a vibrational frequency or by light transfer to correct the mutant DNA. When Hudson applied his proprietary method of analysis to Essiac Tea (an alternative treatment for cancer), he discovered high levels of rhodium and irridium. He also found that Acemannan, a derivative of the aloe vera plant currently being tested on AIDS patients, is 90% rhodium!

David Hudson's life took an abrupt turn in 1990 when his uncle brought him a Time-Life book, Secrets of the Alchemists.

The goal of the alchemists was to make a white powder of gold that would serve as the container of the "light of life". This search for the white powders has been termed the search for the philosopher's stone. Encyclopedia Britannica says: "The stone, also referred to as the 'tincture' or 'powder' - was allied to an elixir of life. Inasmuch as alchemy was concerned not only with the search for a method of upgrading less valuable metals, but also of perfecting the human soul, the philosopher's stone was thought to cure illness, prolong life, and bring about spiritual revitalization."

A new line of thought consumed David Hudson. He read over 500 books on alchemy and its history. He reread the Bible, finding many references to the white powder. He talked to Rabbis well versed in the ancient secrets of Judaism, who told him of white powders available only to the priests of Solomon's Temple. This is referred to as "mana", food of the gods. Hudson's research has led him to believe that ingesting the manna enabled the priests to approach the Ark of the Covenant without being killed.

The Platinum Cannon Shipwreck- David Hudson Lecture

The Platinum Cannon Shipwreck- David Hudson Lecture
This ledture relates to White Powder Gold.
We will be looking at this amazing substance in close detail.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Notes on the level settings

The shapes that are utilized have different structures. I found that people have different reactions to these structural constructs.
If you approach it from a "Sacred Geometry" viewpoint you would use the shape most fit for the given nature of the task.
Circular logic would apply to a cause and effect situation as in "increase sales volume" or "accelerate ability to project". This would work well with the Spheric shape influence.

The Hexagon can be seen as a "constructive" structure, if you are attempting to set off a domino effect that culminates with the manifestation of your goal the Hexagonal structure has an ordered and progressive influence on the overall trend.
You want a promotion and there are a number of steps that qualify you.

Your uncle who is coming to visit always talks about politics and you want him to realize that his political issues are less than welcome. You want him to consider the feelings of others and forego his politics, this way he can spend the whole night telling you army stories.

A hexagonal structure would work well with the above.

The Tetrahedron!!!!
If you want Psychic shields and Remote Viewing or you want to take paranormal photography you want the Tetrahedron shape. OOBE, and any other more esoteric type of trend.

The Secret of the Force Machine

The Secret of the Force Machine The Secret of the Force Machine
by Bruce DePalma

Notes on the Faraday Disc

Notes on the Faraday Disc Notes on the Faraday Disc

The Absurdity of Knowledge

The Absurdity of Knowledge The Absurdity of Knowledge



The Home of Primordial Energy - THE Place for information from BRUCE DePALMA

The Home of Primordial Energy - THE Place for information from BRUCE DePALMA

Tuesday, November 05, 2002



Armageddon Chronicles

Armageddon Chronicles - Clinton aide slams Pentagon's UFO secrecy - Oct. 22, 2002 - Clinton aide slams Pentagon's UFO secrecy - Oct. 22, 2002

Stills of Object flying over Albany International Airport

Stills of Object flying over Albany International Airport

'Maybe we're not alone after all' -

'Maybe we're not alone after all' - - A giant molecule stuns the scientists

Science news

A giant molecule stuns the scientists
(Filed: 31/10/2002)

The giant molecule

This computer-generated image is of a strange molecule that has shocked chemists. It is as big as a bacterium and should exist in the real world according to research.

Around 200,000,000,000,000,000 conventional atoms would fit on the full stop at the end of this sentence. They are mostly empty space - the positively charged nucleus, where most mass resides, is 100,000 times smaller than the overall atom, which is a mist of negative charge, consisting of one or more electrons.

But the molecule shown here, consisting of only two atoms, is enormous - about one millionth of a metre across, about the same size as an E-coli bacterium.

The predictions that these fragile giants should exist have been published in the Journal of Physics by Edward Hamilton and Prof Chris Greene of the University of Colorado, with Dr Hossein Sadeghpour of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in Cambridge, near Boston.

These are called "butterfly Rydberg states", where butterfly refers to the shape and state refers to the way electrons are distributed around an atom or molecule. Rydberg acknowledges pioneering work in the late 1800s by Johannes Rydberg that helped in the development of quantum mechanics.

This image shows the likelihood of finding an electron in orbit around the molecule (the peaks correspond to where it is most likely to be), calculated by the most successful theory in science, quantum mechanics.

Two years ago, Prof Greene and colleagues, including Prof Alan Dickinson of the University of Newcastle, found a novel and bizarre class of molecular states that involved electron motion that are far more complicated than previously thought. "They showed an uncanny resemblance to a trilobite, and for this reason they were dubbed trilobite states," he said.

Now the team has found a related but different butterfly Rydberg state, which once again is vast compared with conventional atoms and molecules.

Although the practical importance of this work is unclear, the finding has caused a buzz among scientists.

"The main excitement about this work in the atomic and molecular physics community has related to the fact that these huge molecules should exist and be observable, and that their electron density should exhibit amazingly rich, quantum mechanical peaks and valleys," said Prof Greene.

At least one well-known chemist has told Prof Greene that he was shocked by the work because he had thought that everything was known about the simplest molecules that consist of two atoms.

The giant molecules, which are extremely tenuous, have not yet been seen in a laboratory, but a team at the University of Connecticut is now looking for them.

"It is very difficult to observe them, because they are held together by only the tiniest conceivable attractive force, and therefore the only hope to create them is in an ultracold atom trap, held just millionths of a degree above absolute zero temperature," said Prof Greene, referring to the lowest achievable temperature of minus 273.15 C.

In other research that will lay bare new secrets of the quantum world, the inner life of atoms has been revealed for the first time.

All of chemistry boils down to the behaviour of electrons in atoms and scientists are now able to study their movements with "atomic photography", where ultrafast laser pulses are used to capture atomic processes in the same way that a speeding bullet can be "frozen" by a camera with a fast shutter.

The technique, reported in the current issue of the journal Nature, has been developed by Prof Ferenc Krausz of the Vienna University of Technology in Austria and colleagues, who used it to study electrons shuffling around inside a krypton atom.

For more than a decade, chemists have used pulsed lasers to reveal processes that take place in tens of femtoseconds, where a femtosecond is a thousandth of a millionth of a millionth of a second.

For atomic photography, the Austrian team, with colleagues in Germany, created pulses that last a few attoseconds, where an attosecond is a thousand times briefer, lasting a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second. The work heralds a new era of attophysics.
Institute of Physics [IoP]

Journals - IoP

Shape-resonance-induced long-range molecular Rydberg states [28 May '02] - IoP [article by Hamilton, Greene & Sadeghpour]

Trilobite molecules: ultra-long range, ultracold polar Rydberg molecules [Oct '02] - Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics

Nature [subscription required]

Shape-resonance-induced long-range molecular Rydberg states

Shape-resonance-induced long-range molecular Rydberg states

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Prep 2003 - The Story

Prep 2003 - The Story

Pahrump Radio - KPAH

Pahrump Radio - KPAH Seems to be a cool station, I'm not sure if this is an Art Bell Spinoff but it's in Pahrump and that is where Art's radio tower is.

Saturday, October 26, 2002 - Health, Naturally! - Health, Naturally!
Here some corageous MD's tell you how to do it yourself. There are thousands of articles here that may be helpful to those seeking alternatives.

AMG Study and Reference Guides AMG EarthSpirit Study and Reference Guides -

AMG Study and Reference Guides AMG EarthSpirit Study and Reference Guides - "Balancing Chakras by Sealgair"

AMG Study and Reference Guides AMG EarthSpirit Study and Reference Guides -

AMG Study and Reference Guides AMG EarthSpirit Study and Reference Guides - "The Herbal Medicine Cabinet II"

AMG Study and Reference Guides AMG EarthSpirit Study and Reference Guides -

AMG Study and Reference Guides AMG EarthSpirit Study and Reference Guides - "Essiac tea for your Herbal Medicine Cabinet"
Healing Spells and Rituals

Again, take these methods and employ them with CS, I am not suggesting anyone should become a Wiccan or member of "ANY" religion or cult.
Healing Routines
As you know if you have read my articles, I do not practice witchcraft or any other religion. This does not negate for me the efficacy and simplicity of some of the methodologies they employ.

Thursday, October 24, 2002


This is another disclosure type movement. There is a connection the The Sci Fi Channel, does that make more credible? I think it's kind of ironic that a Science Fiction Media giant would lend credibility to government disclosure of UFO knowledge.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Renaissance Astrology-Christopher Warnock, Esq-Horary and Electional Astrology and Astrological Magic

Renaissance Astrology-Christopher Warnock, Esq-Horary and Electional Astrology and Astrological Magic

Music Meditations and Initiations with Ellie Crystal

Music Meditations and Initiations with Ellie Crystal

Archives Of Time

Archives Of Time



ELFRAD signals at Phi Hertz

ELFRAD signals at Phi Hertz - Genetic Music - Genetic Music

Algorithmic Arts Software for Generative Music

Algorithmic Arts Software for Generative Music

Midi Music from DNA, Proteins and Math

Midi Music from DNA, Proteins and Math

Molecular Music

Molecular Music

The mathematics of the Fibonacci series

The mathematics of the Fibonacci series

Legacy of Marcel Vogel

Legacy of Marcel Vogel

Fibonacci Calculator

Fibonacci Calculator

Unusual Research

Unusual Research

Psychonomicon Links - Page 1

Psychonomicon Links - Page 1

Pendulums and Dowsing

Pendulums and Dowsing

Astrology: A list and description of sites offering good material on the history of astrology and numerology.

Astrology: A list and description of sites offering good material on the history of astrology and numerology.



FREE I Ching Readings

FREE I Ching Readings

Toning in the New Universe

Toning in the New Universe

The Secret Alchemical Tree

The Secret Alchemical Tree

The Reflectory - Celestial Harmonics/Esoteric Astrology

The Reflectory - Celestial Harmonics/Esoteric Astrology



SpiritWeb: Kundalini Awakens

SpiritWeb: Kundalini Awakens

SpiritWeb: The History & Application of Tai Chi Chuan

SpiritWeb: The History & Application of Tai Chi Chuan

New Developments

New Developments

International Lambdoma Research Institute

International Lambdoma Research Institute

Imagine, Geometry of Expanding Consciousness -- tetrahedron

Imagine, Geometry of Expanding Consciousness -- tetrahedron

San Graal School of Sacred Geometry

San Graal School of Sacred Geometry

The Tree of Life (The Original, since 1994)

The Tree of Life (The Original, since 1994)



The Mad Cybrarian's Library

The Mad Cybrarian's Library

Monday, October 21, 2002

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Not in Our Name Pledge of Resistance

Not in Our Name Pledge of Resistance

Not in Our Name

War Without End? Not in Our Name

Scientists map our galaxy’s black hole

Scientists map our galaxy’s black hole - Is this our Stargate?

FarShores UFO Dimension Filer's Files: #36.02

FarShores UFO Dimension Filer's Files: #36.02
Worshiping The Dead - Interesting facts about Tantric Yoga

Is the Government Hiding Facts On UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life?

Is the Government Hiding Facts On UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life? 72% of Americans believe the government is not telling the public everything it knows about UFO

United Press International: Feature: Shifting views on ET signals

United Press International: Feature: Shifting views on ET signals

Pravda.RU Artifact from Kandalaksha

Pravda.RU Artifact from Kandalaksha

FarShores News -- James Donahue SPECIAL - The World's Star Children Are Under Attack

FarShores News -- James Donahue SPECIAL - The World's Star Children Are Under Attack

FarShores Article -- Son Of Tesla By Doug Yurchey

FarShores Article -- Son Of Tesla By Doug Yurchey - THIS IS A MUST READ ARTICLE



FarShores Article -- Origin of Man - Religious And Scientific Perspectives

FarShores Article -- Origin of Man - Religious And Scientific Perspectives

FarShores Article -- High Technology in the Bible By Doug Yurchey

FarShores Article -- High Technology in the Bible By Doug Yurchey

FarShores CryptoNews Story: Sightings Of Giant Winged Creature In Alaska

FarShores CryptoNews Story: Sightings Of Giant Winged Creature In Alaska

CIA and NASA Linked During Cold War Space Race

CIA and NASA Linked During Cold War Space Race

Surfing The Apocalypse

Surfing The Apocalypse - The Patents of Control

FarShores Ancient Mysteries News: Ancient European Skeleton Recovered In West Virginia Cave

FarShores Ancient Mysteries News: Ancient European Skeleton Recovered In West Virginia Cave

Yahoo! News - Sex with a Twist ... Lemons Provide Protection?

Yahoo! News - Sex with a Twist ... Lemons Provide Protection?

CYBER-SHAMAN - Age of Aquarius Astrology

CYBER-SHAMAN - Age of Aquarius Astrology







BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Scientists clash over skull

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Scientists clash over skull

Daily Express, Sabah, Malaysia -- News Headlines

Daily Express, Sabah, Malaysia -- News Headlines

Infrasound - an Explanation for Hauntings?

Infrasound - an Explanation for Hauntings?

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Science in search of the low rumble

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Science in search of the low rumble

Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/09/2002 | Einhorn defense to invoke paranormal

Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/09/2002 | Einhorn defense to invoke paranormal : UK Readying for Possible Mass Smallpox Vaccination : UK Readying for Possible Mass Smallpox Vaccination

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Large world found beyond Pluto

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Large world found beyond Pluto

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Friday, July 26, 2002

Monday, June 24, 2002

Roswell Crash Report

Roswell Crash Report

Roswell Crash Report

Roswell Crash Report

UFOs: UFO video with UFO pictures

UFOs: UFO video with UFO pictures

Newschannel 12 - Jackson, MS - Full Pat Robertson Interview

Newschannel 12 - Jackson, MS - Full Pat Robertson Interview



Newschannel 12 - Jackson, MS - UFO Mystery

Newschannel 12 - Jackson, MS - UFO Mystery

Newschannel 12 - Jackson, MS - Full Ufologist Tony Scarbourgh Interview

Newschannel 12 - Jackson, MS - Full Ufologist Tony Scarbourgh Interview

Newschannel 12 - Jackson, MS - Unexplained

Newschannel 12 - Jackson, MS - Unexplained

Spectacular Daylight UFO Over Hungary Filmed By Military Pilot

Spectacular Daylight UFO Over Hungary Filmed By Military Pilot

Rise to Consciousness Part 1 The Dove

Rise to Consciousness Part 1 The Dove

sacred geometry of Sekhmet

sacred geometry of Sekhmet

The Gnostic Science of Alchemy Chapter One

The Gnostic Science of Alchemy Chapter One

Gurdjieff International Review

Gurdjieff International Review





The Unified Field of Gnosis

The Unified Field of Gnosis

Alchemy, Magic, Incubation, Metatron, and Ancestors

Alchemy, Magic, Incubation, Metatron, and Ancestors

Thursday, May 16, 2002





Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Thursday, April 04, 2002

Pagan Dawn Home

Pagan Dawn Home

Johnny FeelGood's Free-Energy Page!

Johnny FeelGood's Free-Energy Page!

Johnny FeelGood's Homepage!

Johnny FeelGood's Homepage! - Spiritual Warfare 2 - Know Your Enemy - Spiritual Warfare 2 - Know Your Enemy - Spiritual Warfare 2 - Know Your Enemy - Spiritual Warfare 2 - Know Your Enemy

Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives -- occult symbols and original .GIFs

Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives -- occult symbols and original .GIFs
Arithmetical Theology of triads

Gematria - Introduction to Hebrew Numerology

Gematria - Introduction to Hebrew Numerology

National Occult Research Association

National Occult Research Association - The Auric Keys

Magick and the Occult: Druids

Magick and the Occult: Druids - Toward a Celtic Numerology

Natasha - AND DNA Dogma I

Natasha - AND DNA Dogma I



Natasha - AND DNA Dogma I

Natasha - AND DNA Dogma I

Home Page

Non Linear Equations for the masses

Wave Function of the Universe(s)

Wave Function of the Universe(s)

Stephen Hawking's Universe: Strange Stuff Explained

Stephen Hawking's Universe: Strange Stuff Explained

Thursday, March 28, 2002

Ark of the covenant

AR5 Top Ten Out-Of-Place Artifacts

AR5 Top Ten Out-Of-Place Artifacts
Strange Rock Cells
Arizona Cells

Archaeological Coverups

Archaeological Coverups

Ancient Indian Anti-Grav Craft

Ancient Indian Anti-Grav Craft

Pygmie Skeletons

Pygmie Skeletons

Pedro the Mountain Mummy

Pedro the Mountain Mummy

Giant Skeletons

Giant Skeletons

Los Lunas NM Decalogue Inscription

Los Lunas NM Decalogue Inscription

Los Lunas - An Ancient Hebrew Inscription in New Mexico

Los Lunas - An Ancient Hebrew Inscription in New Mexico

Science Frontiers On Line

Science Frontiers On Line

Ancient American: Cave Update 1

Ancient American: Cave Update 1

Ancient American: Articles Issue 28 page 1

Ancient American: Articles Issue 28 page 1

Ancient American: Articles Issue 29 page 1

Ancient American: Articles Issue 29 page 1

Ancient American: Articles Issue 30 page 1

Ancient American: Articles Issue 30 page 1

AR10: Could the Ancients Fly? By David Childress

AR10: Could the Ancients Fly? By David Childress

AR4 The Hall Of Records

AR4 The Hall Of Records

AR4 Top Ten Impossible Inventions That Work

AR4 Top Ten Impossible Inventions That Work

AR4 Top Ten Impossible Inventions That Work

AR4 Top Ten Impossible Inventions That Work

AR1 Top Ten Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology

AR1 Top Ten Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology

Paleozoic Era Proof

Paleozoic Era Proof

Cenozoic Era Proof

Cenozoic Era Proof
Ancient Airpalanes - Merkabas?
Ancient Batteries

The Black Hole Next Door: Science News Online, March 23, 2002

The Black Hole Next Door: Science News Online, March 23, 2002

Reports of close encounter with 'silvery people' in NT. 24/03/2002. ABC News Online

Reports of close encounter with 'silvery people' in NT. 24/03/2002. ABC News Online

CERN Courier - Superluminal phenomena shed - IOP Publishing

CERN Courier - Superluminal phenomena shed - IOP Publishing

Sunday, February 10, 2002


Been there

Tuesday, February 05, 2002 Note to journalists: Warning about PressBlaster spam Note to journalists: Warning about PressBlaster spam

Chicago Tribune | Virtual infidelity

Chicago Tribune | Virtual infidelity

Smidgen of the Species

Smidgen of the Species

Did the Hindus Help Write the Bible: ViewZone

Did the Hindus Help Write the Bible: ViewZone

Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Hemp Users Prepare to Fight DEA Rule

Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Hemp Users Prepare to Fight DEA Rule

U.S. Terror Arrest Tactics Detailed

U.S. Terror Arrest Tactics Detailed

Reuters | Breaking News from Around the Globe

Reuters | Breaking News from Around the Globe

Emperor's Clothes 9-11 Evidence Aired on Canadian TV!

Emperor's Clothes 9-11 Evidence Aired on Canadian TV!

BBC News | NEWSNIGHT | Great impact of attacks on America

BBC News | NEWSNIGHT | Great impact of attacks on America

Welcome to

Paper House Endures Test of Time

The Scotsman - Top Stories - Scientists find key to eternal life

The Scotsman - Top Stories - Scientists find key to eternal life

Surfing The Apocalypse

Surfing The Apocalypse -- The Patents of Control

Down To Earth Weird News Stories

Down To Earth Weird News Stories

30 Billion Earths? New Estimate of Exoplanets in Our Galaxy

30 Billion Earths? New Estimate of Exoplanets in Our Galaxy

New Scientist

New Scientist

Reuters | Breaking News from Around the Globe

Reuters | Breaking News from Around the Globe

Guardian Unlimited Observer | International | Is human evolution finally over?

Guardian Unlimited Observer | International | Is human evolution finally over?

Bizarre: Crystal radio

Bizarre: Crystal radio

Monday, February 04, 2002

Friday, February 01, 2002

Clementine Lunar Image Browser 1.5

Clementine Lunar Image Browser 1.5



Chaplygin Outline:

Chaplygin Outline:

Surfing The Apocalypse

Surfing The Apocalypse

The Rumor Mill News Agency

The Rumor Mill News Agency

FarShores News story: Saucer-Shaped UAV Takes To Norwegian Skies

FarShores News story: Saucer-Shaped UAV Takes To Norwegian Skies

Getting something out of nothing

Getting something out of nothing

Nuclear plants targeted -- The Washington Times

Nuclear plants targeted -- The Washington Times

Rumsfeld: Prepare for Surprise Attacks (

Rumsfeld: Prepare for Surprise Attacks (

Scotland on Sunday - International - US approves research into Ecstasy

Scotland on Sunday - International - US approves research into Ecstasy

FarShores News story: Mystery Object Lands In Ocean City, Maryland

FarShores News story: Mystery Object Lands In Ocean City, Maryland

Star Telegram | 01/29/2002 | Anthrax in attacks traced back to Texas

Star Telegram | 01/29/2002 | Anthrax in attacks traced back to Texas

All about Happy Eyes Floor Lamp

All about Happy Eyes Floor Lamp

Rumsfeld: Prepare for Surprise Attacks (

Rumsfeld: Prepare for Surprise Attacks (

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Our galaxy - from the outside

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Our galaxy - from the outside

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Throwing the DNA switch

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Throwing the DNA switch

New Scientist

Clones Clones Cyberclones

Wednesday, January 30, 2002



If you will take the time to read these. I promise you'll come away with
an enlightened perspective. The subjects covered affect us all on a
daily basis!

They're written by Andy Rooney, a man who has the gift of saying so much
with so few words. Enjoy.......

I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of
an elderly person.

I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows.

I've learned.... That just one person saying to me, "You've made my
day!" makes my day.

I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of
the most peaceful feelings in the world.

I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being right.

I've learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

I've learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have
the strength to help him in some other way.

I've learned.... That no matter how serious your life requires you to
be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

I've learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and
a heart to understand.

I've learned.... That simple walks with my father around the block on
summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.

I've learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it
gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I've learned.... That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything
we ask for.

I've learned.... That money doesn't buy class.

I've learned.... That it's those small daily happenings that make life
so spectacular.

I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to
be appreciated and loved.

I've learned.... That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes
me think I can?

I've learned.... That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I've learned.... That when you plan to get even with someone, you are
only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I've learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to
surround myself with people smarter than I am.

I've learned.... That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a

I've learned.... That there's nothing sweeter than sleeping with your
babies and feeling their breath on your cheeks.

I've learned.... That no one is perfect until you fall in love with

I've learned.... That life is tough, but I'm tougher.

I've learned.... That opportunities are never lost; someone will take
the ones you miss.

I've learned.... That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock

I've learned.... That I wish I could have told my Dad that I love him
one more time before he passed away.

I've learned.... That one should keep his words both soft and tender,
because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

I've learned.... That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your

I've learned.... That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I
do about it.

I've learned.... That when your newly born grandchild holds your little
finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.

I've learned.... That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but
all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

I've learned ... That it is best to give advice in only two
circumstances; when it is requested and when it is a life threatening

I've learned.... That the less time I have to work with, the more things
I get done.

Writings by David Hutchinson -- Spiritual

Writings by David Hutchinson -- Spiritual

Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country

Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country

Schizophrenia Linked To Defect In Prefrontal Cortex

Schizophrenia Linked To Defect In Prefrontal Cortex

'Citizen of the year' denied OK to carry gun -- The Washington Times

'Citizen of the year' denied OK to carry gun -- The Washington Times 'Citizen of the year' denied OK to carry gun

New Scientist

New Scientist Radio waves reset jumpy hearts

News in Science 24/01/2002 Karma works

News in Science 24/01/2002 Karma works

Did Planet X Kill The Dinosaurs?

Did Planet X Kill The Dinosaurs? Did Planet X Kill The Dinosaurs

New Scientist

New Scientist Cloned monkey embryos are a "gallery of horrors

New Scientist

New Scientist-- Functional" kidneys grown from stem cells

New Scientist

New Scientist

The Battle Back Home

The Battle Back Home

Monday, January 28, 2002

Holy Smoke & Mirrors

Holy Smoke & Mirrors

The Bible Fraud Pt 1

The Bible Fraud Pt 1

Full Spectrum Light

Full Spectrum Light

Earth Change News on Earth Changes TV on the Web

Earth Change News on Earth Changes TV on the Web

Earth Change News on Earth Changes TV on the Web

Earth Change News on Earth Changes TV on the Web

Security Extra Tight at Super Bowl (

Security Extra Tight at Super Bowl (

Drought Warning Issued in New York (

Drought Warning Issued in New York ( Flight 587: Video May Hold the Key Flight 587: Video May Hold the Key

KPCC - KPCC Reveals President Bush Has A Heart Arrhythmia

KPCC - KPCC Reveals President Bush Has A Heart Arrhythmia



The Wall Project - List

The Wall Project - List

Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis

Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis

New Scientist

GM pigs are both meat and veg

The Cydonian Imperative

The Cydonian Imperative



::: The Amazing World of Colorgenics :::

::: The Amazing World of Colorgenics :::

New Scientist | Bizarre Tales | Daughter of Bizarre

New Scientist | Bizarre Tales | Daughter of Bizarre

New Scientist

Planet reveals telltale signature of plant life

New Scientist

Wireless network lets objects talk back

Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country

Dalai Lama is Ill

Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country

Music changes the brain

BBC News | EUROPE | Top Russians die in Chechnya crash

BBC News | EUROPE | Top Russians die in Chechnya crash

Online Psi Experiments: Psi Explore

Online Psi Experiments: Psi Explore

Psi Explorer: Telepathy

Psi Explorer: Telepathy

New Scientist

Jellyfish jackpot found on fossil beach

New Scientist

"Magic ingredient" for neural stem cells revealed

New Scientist

Ultimate stem cell discovered

New Scientist | AI and A-Life | Introduction

New Scientist | AI and A-Life | Introduction

Paradigm Clock - Time Change Chronicle

Paradigm Clock - Time Change Chronicle

Saturday, January 26, 2002 : Alien Secrets for Kids : Disclosure for Kids? What's this really about?

United Press International: Attorney General Ashcroft renews warning

United Press International: Attorney General Ashcroft renews warning

CIA Takes On Major New Military Role - 'I Mean Killing People...'

CIA Takes On Major New Military Role - 'I Mean Killing People...' NEWS: Possible 10th and 11th planet-like objects orbiting the Sun
Cedar Wind
Medicine Wheel
Scientific American: Feature Article: Television Addiction: February 2002
A New Grammar
Sirius Radio
GPS in Space
Tuning In to Satellite Radio
Beware the FBI's patriotism inspectors -- The Washington Times
Former Enron Exec. Found Dead (
FarShores News -- The James Donahue Column - Talking to the Dead
FarShores News story: India Still Aiming For Voyage To Moon
FarShores UFO News Story: Bright Lights Perform Aerobatics In New Hampshire Skies
FarShores Paranormal News: PA Woman Gathers Accounts of Schuylkill Ghosts & Monsters
FarShores UFO Dimension Filer's Files: #04.02
FarShores News story: Recording Of Mysterious Meteor Sounds

Thursday, January 24, 2002

World Light High Vibraitonal Healing and Meditation Oils - Masters of Light
Surfing The Apocalypse
Space Mysteries
Far Shores Paranormal News: Pentagon Survivor Credits Guiding Voice
Far Shores Paranormal News: Magician David Copperfield Predicts German Lottery Numbers
Far Shores Paranormal News: Grandson Of Malaysia's 'Magnetic Man' Shares Powers Too
Far Shores Paranormal News: People Flock To 'Miracle' Stream
FarShores Paranormal News: Man Survives Explosion, Credits 'Guardian Angels'
FarShores Paranormal News: South Korea's online seers predict Bin Laden's death in June
Farshores Ancient Mysteries Article: The Device By JJ - The Strange, Inexplicable Agony Of Being
'Mothman' sightings will continue
FarShores Paranormal News: Ghost hunter says haunted hotel mirrors acting as portal
FarShores News story: Residents Frustrated That Kokomo's Mystery Hum Continues
FarShores News story: Rural Cow Mutilations Baffle Authorities
Far Shores Ancient Mysteries Article: The Working Celtic Cross
Oasis - Explore a New Age!
Templar Prosperity Symbol
ScienceDaily Magazine -- Perception Is Stored In Single Neurons, German Researchers Find
Ancient farmers may have changed history of the world
Bohemian Grove intruder says he feared human sacrifices
BBC News | SCI/TECH | Anthrax toxin fully exposed
Microbes Turn Underwater Gunk Into Electric Energy - Is black hole theory full of hot air? - January 22, 2002
Bohemian Club's friends, foes dismiss dark tales - Detector listens for mysterious gravity waves - January 23, 2002 - Irish inventor claims to discover 'free energy' - January 23, 2002 : Microchip Can Measure Blood Pressure

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

The Time Wave and History
The Timewave Zero Concept
Surfing The Apocalypse THE PATENTS OF CONTROL consciousness exist when the brain is off-line? Can consciousness exist when the brain is off-line?
Jay Ingram
On Line Vibraphone
The Church of the SubGenius SPECIALS
Did Mothman Visit Set ? -- Sci Fi Wire -- The News Service of the Sci Fi Channel
BBC News | SCI/TECH | Neanderthals not so dumb after all 'used glue to make tools'
The Jerusalem Post Newspaper : Online News From Israel - Latest News Article Ark of the Covenant
The Mind has no Firewall PARAMETERS, US Army War College Quarterly - Spring 1998
Decoding Minds, Foiling Adversaries
Scientists Says He Found Lost Island

Friday, January 18, 2002

Voyage of the Nano-Surgeons
Creation - Holographic Universe
The Age: Gypsum fingered in drug tests
